Saturday, May 1, 2010


I just love that name. Particularly because it reminds me of the glorious long-haired Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. He looks like a Tristan, too, with his milky skin and beautiful blue eyes. You can tell Mom and Dad are second-time parents. They were calm, cool, and collected and this just made the session go smoothly. Miss Veronica (big sis) was such a sweetie. She came in carrying Woody and Jessie dolls and she actually made Mom write her and Tristan's names on the soles of their shoes just like in Toy Story. How cute is that? They were such a perfect family and I feel honored to have captured this time for them.

Friday, April 30, 2010

So sweet...

You know sometimes how you meet someone and can tell on their face just how sweet they are? This is absolutely what happened when I met this little boy. Mr. Ernie is always full of smiles and open arms. There's no need for "getting to know you's" or "breaking the ice". He just comes in ready! Here he is getting ready for his baptism. We were able to sneak a few with big sis, who's a sweetie pie as well.

and here with his hair slicked back... LOVE!!! My little Ricky Ricardo: