Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Happy Ending (and beginning) to 2009!

When one of your siblings gets married, it's hard to be present in the moment on the actual day of the wedding. All the planning, fittings, pre-wedding activities just add to the blur that is those few hours. It didn't hit me til the day after that my baby brother was indeed married. That's when the flood of memories catch up to you... the screaming from the bleachers during karate tournaments and baseball games, the pretending he was my little Mr. Potato Head, the breakdancing at the parties, the Michael Jackson shows, the pride every time I heard somebody say "Damn, that boy is a good athlete!", the effort it took to finally convert him from a Nole to a Cane, that pride again when he became president of his fraternity, the relief and gratitude when he found Steph! It's hard to believe all that's happened. Oh, how the years go by...
I'm grateful that they allowed me to capture some moments between them now as husband and wife. No frills, no crazy appointments or make-up artists! Just me capturing them as they truly are. So I leave you with some of these moments and I wish you and your loved ones...

Happy memories,
Healthy bodies,
Fatter wallets,
and an abundance of

Happy 2010!!!


Goritzia Rodriguez said...

These pictures are beautiful! Where did you get the bridal dress????

Goritzia Rodriguez said...

Pictures are beautiful, where did you get the bridal dress - gorgeous!

Danielle said...

Stunning!! And what a beautiful couple they are! Great job!